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15 Harmless New Questions to Ask To Get to Know Someone Really Well

15 Harmless New Questions to Ask To Get to Know Someone Really Well



Time is short. Sometimes we want to find out more but don’t have the hours. Here are 15 questions to ask to get to know someone without delay!

In order to get to know someone on a deeper level, dig down a few layers. You must ask inventive questions and share experiences together, and it all takes time. However, most of us simply don’t have time. Even if we do, we’re in a rush. If that sounds like your situation, there are a few questions to ask to get to know someone quickly.

Use them to really dig beneath the surface and find out about the person you’re spending so much time with.

Questions to ask to get to know someone well

It’s possible to spend several hours with someone, even weeks or months, and feel like you don’t really know them that well.


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Sure, you know the basics, such as their name, where they came from, the job they do, perhaps you know their parents’ names and whether they have siblings, etc., but does that mean that you know them, like really know them?


The answers might be shocking, they might be surprising, they might be something you don’t quite know what to deal with, but they’ll certainly be enlightening.


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#1 What is your number one pet peeve?

Finding out what really gets someone’s blood boiling can tell you a lot about them. It’s one of the best questions to ask to get to know someone, for sure. It can also tell you about what not to do around them, to avoid their wrath!

It might be rudeness, it might be cruelty to animals, it might be not putting the toilet seat down. It can be anything from the serious to the crazy, but it’s an interesting thing to learn. 

#2 Who is your hero in life? 

This is an interesting one because learning about their hero tells you what they look up to. For instance, they might say someone like Nelson Mandela, Obama, Mother Teresa, or another force of good from history, past or recent. However, they might also say something joking, such as Mickey Mouse. Avoiding such a serious question tells you a lot about a person.


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#3 What is your favourite movie of all time?

This is an easy one to ask and tells you about the things they enjoy in their spare time. They might say a film from the ‘80s, such as Dirty Dancing or Back to The Future, or they might say that they love the effects in the Avatar. The list goes on, but it’s definitely one of the questions to ask to get to know someone and what they enjoy watching. 




#4 If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 

Learning about how someone views themselves is important and can give you an insight into their real confidence levels. They might say something about their looks or their weight, or perhaps they’ll say something about their personality. It’s an intriguing question to ask, and it will help you to get to know the person behind the mask.

#5 What is your favourite childhood memory?

It’s wonderful to sit and hear someone’s favourite memory from when they were small and to watch their face light up as they recall the small details. It’s definitely one of the most important questions to ask to get to know someone and will show you about the things they hold dear.


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#6 What makes you really angry?

This is a little different from the pet peeve question, because while a peeve might make them a little annoyed, anger is totally different. It might be something political, environmental, or something else entirely, but it’s a great question to find out a little more about the person you’re spending time with. It also shows you what they’re truly passionate about. [Coming soon Enrichlife.co ;25 personal questions to ask a friend and bond like BFFs]

#7 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

 This is one of the great questions to ask to get to know someone because it tells you about the places they dream about.

They might choose a castaway island with coconuts and white sand or a wooden hut in the middle of a snowy retreat. Or they might opt for a vibrant city. All of this helps you to get to know the person on a deeper level.

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#8 What are you most proud of in your life? 

Again, this tells you about their deeper experiences and feelings. Learning what someone is proud of tells you about what makes them tick. It exposes their passions, desires, and what they want out of life. It’s one of the best questions to ask to get to know someone pretty quickly. [Coming Soon Enrichife.co: How to be more playful and flirty when getting to know someone]

#9 What do you do in your downtime? 

If you’re potentially romantically involved with this person, learning about what they do in their downtime could give you some great ideas for future dates!

#10 What is the best gift anyone has ever given you in your life? 

This is a very testing question because if the person says something wildly expensive and says the gift was amazing because of the price, it could point towards them being a materialistic person. However, if they tell you it was a homemade gift from their nephew or niece, it tells you that they value time over money.


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#11 What is the worst gift anyone has ever given you in your life? 

The opposite question is also one of the best questions to ask to get to know someone too. Again, they might say that they received a hand knitted scarf from their auntie and they hated it, and it would say something quite negative about them, even if it was an awful scarf. 

#12 What one word could people use to describe you accurately

This is ideal for finding out how they see themselves. They could say ‘quirky’, ‘fun’, ‘silly’, ‘organised’, the list goes on. It’s fun to see how someone views their own personality. You can see if your view is the same as theirs or whether you should get to know them a little more.



#13 If you had a super power, what would it be? 

This is a fun one! Ask them what their ideal super power would be and why. Maybe they want to fly and explore the word, or maybe they want to be invisible so they can sneak into locker rooms. The options are endless!

#14 If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be?

This is one of the questions to get to know someone quite well in the here and now. It requires total honesty on their part. You’ll find out more information than you would if you simply danced around such deep questions. It also tells you a lot about what they want-and don’t want-out of life. [Coming soon Enrichlife.co: The biggest signs of an emotional connection with someone]

#15 If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? 


get to know someone


And they have to be honest! Would they gift some of it, spend all of it, invest it, buy a house? What would they do? This tells you a lot about who they are and what is important to them. It’s one of the best questions to ask get to know someone pretty well indeed!



These questions to ask to get to know someone will help you to delve a little deeper. Bonus, it will get you thinking about what your own answers would be too.


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A similar article was posted in Love Panky magazine

15 Harmless New Questions to Ask To Get to Know Someone Really Well

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